Monday, August 22, 2011

more pics of my turkeys...and gardening stuff

Well, this weekend was one filled with headache and not much sleep due to stupid allergies that I am trying to fix so I can dive!

But I did get a few things done this on the rain. I planted cabbage, broccoli, kale and spinach and a few mums for color. I got the front garden pretty much weeded, tried for the side of the house but the weedwhacker was not cooperating. I did harvest the rest of the mint and will be freezing this batch, the other batch is drying. Siggy (Sigbjorn) was very interested in the mint...then decided to just chill with it! LOL

I have definite plans for how to do my winter garden involving straw bales and old windows. We'll see how goes!

And I love my new turkeys...they are still skittish but are very sweet. They are the only turkeys that have figured out how to roost in the coop and have managed to escape coop and pen several times! So, they are smart. They are getting a little harrassed by the other turkeys so I am letting them chill by themselves in the coop for a few days...except in the middle of the monsoon yesterday I started worrying about the turkeys so I went out in all my rain gear and shooed them all in the coop and locked them up. They all survived to this morning...of course this morning I was bouncing out of bed and running out there to let them out afraid there would be mayhem keeping them all in the coop for too long!


  1. How did I not realize you had a blog?! Geesh! Sounds like you got a lot of work done out in the garden!

  2. Hi Katie! Well, I was REALLY bad about posting last year but I am trying to be better this year!

    I ended up not going out into the garden until after 4:00 yesterday, hoping to nap and get rid of headache first (that didn't happen). I was out for about 20min and it started to pour! Oh well, gardening in the rain... *shrugs* Then I decided to get worried about the turkeys in the middle of the hardest rain (after I had dried off)...figures! LOL
