Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A happy post about my Polish babies...

I spent Monday evening out with the critters 'til it was too dark to see. I hung out in the fancy chickens coop for awhile...held my babies and Lil Dude and took some pics. I also had some tomatoes with they were all making a happy mess.
Meet 'Aine (pronounced An-yuh, meaning joy/brightness)...she is the sweetest thing and likes to snuggle. She is not easy to get a photo of though. Her pic is to the right.

My other female is Niamh (pronounced Nee-av, meaning brilliance)...she is very sweet too but more shy. Her pic is to the left.

Then there is Aodhgagan (pronounced Ey-gagone, but will be shortened to Aodhga - Eyga, meaning Little Fire because he is just gorgeous black with firey streaks on his head and tail and long feathers on his back.) He is fiesty like my Pachy was (Pachneic - meaning Little One). He is to the right with Lil Dude in the background.

I got some pics of the fancy critters...they are below. Viviane is the Americauna, Merlin wouldn't sit still long enough...crowing his fool head off so, so no pics of him today. Bardy is the Barred Rock hen, Goldy is my Gold Wyandotte, sadly lost my spirited little Wynny, the Silver Wyandotte (I believe to a hawk). Then there is Mani, Silver Polish and Czyna my old girl.

Vivivianne Goldy and Bardy (and Mani's butt)



1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by - and for following along over at my place! Normally I'm better and greeting the new folks - but extra busy this week. Feel free to chime in anytime!

    Your Viv looks like my Baby Barnee... i just love my clucks!
