Friday, August 19, 2011

busy busy....that is the time of year!

Well, haven't made the cajeta yet....but I have gotten lots done. Besides the fencing for the front garden which is successfully keeping the chickens out and the feed and water bowl table for the hens that is quite successful, I have been doing little things like harvesting and drying my mint and just domestic chores...the house needs work too! That is a losing proposition while my brothers are living there...but I am trying.

My most exciting news is that one of my hens hatched a baby! I let her set her eggs in the shed but really didn't think anything would come of it. Actually had 2 hens sharing the nest. So, the RIR was the one with the chick yesterday took a bit but finally got both of them into a brooder...really don't want to lose the chick. The other hen, my Buff Orpington was the one setting on the eggs and she was NOT happy when I lifted her to check on them. So, I left her there. Yesterday evening after returning with my other exciting news....(have to wait for that one) :-)....I checked on everyone and my Buff was on a perch in the hen's barn and left the nest unoccupied in the shed. So, I transferred all the eggs to the RIR...we'll see if anything comes of them.

So...for the other exciting news...I got a pair of Royal Palm turkeys finally! I am so excited. They are very pretty and the same age as everyone else and seem to have settled in after a bit of squabbling! So, I believe, if all goes well, I have my breeds for now. One pair of Buffs, one pair of Royal Palms and my Bronzes - Tom and Spring. The other four mixed breeds will probably all go to freezer camp now. Especially since I saw the that the darker Tom is a bit of a bully....might keep one of the Slate looking hens...not sure yet.

Pics coming later...couldn't get any decent ones last night.

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