Well, the earthquake was amusing yesterday...I was at work but it didn't seem to phase the kids, feather or fuzzy. Or their little brains were over it by the time I got home anyway!
However, after the work I did in the turkey coop/pen the other night...I thought I had patched up any escape routes...you know for a turkey that is bigger than my dog! Apparently not...little miss Royal was out AGAIN when I got home. I wouldn't care if she free ranged but I am afraid for her safety. She is so very sweet though...I held her for quite awhile while trying to figure out how she escaped...she just sat in my arms...not sure she was happy about it but she was pretty good about it. Serves her right for being miss escape artist anyway!
My little Trollie dog has a visitor for the week...her old buddy Nala is here while Daddy is on vacation. So, even more confusion and chaos...like we need that...LOL oh well, what is a little more?!
AND...to add more fun, we have a lovely hurricane that seems determined to bear right down on us later this weekend...possibly at a Cat 2. Lovely. Have I mentioned the buildings at this croft are a little old and worn down? And I rent...so have only done what minimal work I can on them? And I live on a sandbar...so....yeah...not entirely sure what to do to prepare for 100 mile an hour winds and possible major flooding. Except perhaps turkeys in the living room...not an option I want to consider right now.
On a positive note...found another local farmers market where I got lots of red peppers and some green tomatoes. So, dinner last night was a lovely venison sauteed (minimally) and fried green tomatoes...every bit of ingredients local and organic including the bacon grease to fry the tomatoes! Numm Numm simplicity. Roasted red peppers will probably happen Friday since I have the day off....and maybe that darn Cajeta! Tonight is working on Turkey Pen until it is too dark to see AGAIN.
Oh and I have a dozen Buff Orpington eggs coming early next week to put under my broody Bardy...and RIR red momma is still taking care of her single chick. I will TRY to get pics if momma will cooperate soon!