Friday, May 11, 2012

The waiting game...

Things have been relatively quiet on the quiet as Spring can be!  I wanted some good news to post but since it has been far, nothing counts as great news...just muddling along. 

It is the waiting game time.  I have 3 does that I bred, should have kindled by far nothing though one was showing the signs... I have 3 of my 4 turkey hens setting eggs that should hatch any day now, but I am afraid they may not be not brave enough to go in and check! LOL  They are viscious when setting!  I have 3 geese setting eggs, as well, they should be hatching in the next week or so? 

My veggies are starting but nothing up too much waiting there lettuce looks better and has recovered from the chicken stomping!  My strawberries just aren't happy this year.  My herbs are all doing really well except oddly my basil...I lost all my basil! My squash are starting to come up and my spinach is finally starting too! The first batch never took, so this is the second batch.  I just sowed a third one too.  My broccoli is hanging on but not flourishing...may need to feed it some kelp this weekend!

This weekend is a bunch of catching up before my classes start again Monday, I have had all of a week off!  Of course, that was spent working and a work function in the evening too!

Hopefully will have pics and updates from this weekend even if just stuff I have accomplished...but hopefully my girls will all cooperate too! *crossing fingers* and prayers to the Gods!

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