Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Travel time...

Well, I didn't quite plan it this way on purpose, but this seems to be travel time for me. A couple weeks ago to New England to visit my folks, this past weekend to VA to a friend's campground and in a week and a half I head to North Carolina...a 10 and 1/2 hour drive! Yikes! But it will be a great time. Just me and Ama (car) on a road trip....

Homestead wise, things are slow. Still no baby rabbits *grrrr*. My "little" chick died (drowned in the water while I was away this brother was taking care of everyone but he was at work a lot) :-( Everyone else is being their normal selves. Although the missing cat Freya showed back up after a couple months...she completely disappeared and just "appeared" Monday and is really skinny. So, I am feeding her and Rothgar lots of food....hopefully I will have salmon skin for them tomorrow and extra tuna and stuff on top of cat food.

Monday I went hunting. Got my butt up and going at 3:30am...drove to my favorite site (woods and fields, wetlands and river all together) and was up in stand and settled by 5:30am. The stars were beautiful and I had a great view of Venus. I saw two shooting stars and watched the sun rise, listened to the world wake up. I could hear a Blue Heron on the river, heard a couple different kinds of owls and a fox. I had seen deer on the side of the road as I drove to the site...but that was way too early. As the sun rose there were no deer where I was, unfortunately, but I did see 4 wild turkeys...they came within about 50 feet of the stand.

The rest of the day was all about homesteading: got straw, got feed, got apples and made a mess of my new car! I picked a basket full of plum tomatoes, parsley and basil! Yumm Yumm! Will be making pesto tonight, freezing basil in cubes and putting the tomatoes on for dehydrating along with another batch of jerky. I made jerky, couple loaves of bread, yogurt and cheese just before I left for the weekend Thursday night. The jerky we ate during the weekend.

The cheese I had on flat bread with dinner last night which was my very first Moussaka, fresh local eggplant and tomatoes, local ground bison and pork. Nom Nom! And I have more for lunch today!

This weekend: more hunting, getting truck load of straw, need some corn to fatten chickens going to freezer next week - tackling my studio...etc.

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