Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring in flux

Well, the separation of the toms was a success. Mr. Buff and Big Tom are raggedy looking but not trying to kill eachother anymore. Mr. Royal is in with a lady friend with the ducks and one seems to mind the new arrangement....should work until I get the new pens built. Ms. Buff and one of the grey hens is still setting eggs...I am not thinking much is going to happen because I find they occasionally leave the nest to go socialize with the boys! *shakes head* young mothers! Spring has not started to set at all maybe she is waiting for warmer weather or seeing what the new girls come up with?

The geese are really laying now and the ducks...sorta. Hoping incubating the eggs will be successful!

Rabbits are an issue right now...I just got 2 new rabbits, a buck and doe Standard Chins...the buck never got into a good eating routine...when I brought them home, the girl was hesitant for a day or so and then was eating like everyone else, the buck not so much. He would never finish a bowl of food but he didn't seem to be losing weight. I didn't put them together though, thinking the buck needed more time to acclimate. Well, late last week (Thursday), he was fine in the morning, when I got home late in the evening he was tilting his head and walking in circles...Saturday he was worse and then slipped away. The poor little thing, I hadn't even named him yet. So now I have a doe that is too small to breed with anyone....think I will be selling her and going back to concentrating on the ones I have, particularly since it seems Rowan, my SF doe, has gotten a parasite. I dewormed her, separated her from everyone and she is eating like hopefully it all works out and she starts to gain weight again. Everyone else is fine, thank goodness! Sometimes I hate spring...this is when I always seem to have issues.

So, crossing fingers for everyone to get or stay healthy! I have an0ther big work day this coming weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your standard buck. :-( But let's hope the turkeys get their acts together and give you lots of poults!!
