Thursday, September 29, 2011

food and rights and the environment - warning "rant"

Most of you who know me have gotten the idea that I really support food rights and the could say that the two have become my life being supported by many other things in my life, including my spirituality.

So, recent conversations with several people and an article from one of the newsletters I receive spurred me to say something...I will continue to intersperse my learning to homestead trials and joys with things like this on this blog.

So... about food and rights and environmental impact. I believe everyone has the fundamental RIGHT to eat what they feel is best for them (or not if you choose to eat junk). I believe that everyone has the DUTY to walk their talk. If you believe that the environment (you know the planet we live on, the water we drink, the air we breathe) is is up to every single person to do their part to make a difference. Revolutions do not succeed because of big groups usually...revolutions and change happen by everyday PEOPLE making the changes, one person at a time. One person plus one person plus one person. That is how we make a difference!

So, if you believe that you have the right to healthy food in our bodies...then stop buying from the grocery store middle aisles in particular. Demand fresh food. Educate yourself. Demand labeling even on produce. If you find out like I have what is really in those foods...and you don't like it...change the way you buy and the way you eat. Don't be complacent and decide it is too much work... if you don't do it for yourself, do it for your children (for those of you who have them) or do it for the future generations.

If you understand the impact that CAFOs and large ag farms (corn, soy, etc) are having then you will know it has to change. So, don't support these industries! Stop buying meat from the grocery store unless you know it is not raised in that way - research your brands or buy local (hey and buying local helps your local economy). Stop buying vegetables and produce grown on farms that use tons of fertilizers that leach into the ground and water (not to mention in your bodies).

You believe that the government (and this is coming from someone who works for the government) does not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot eat...CHOOSE to make a difference in the way you buy and the way you vote!

WALK YOUR TALK people. No one is perfect but if we all make small changes it will make a difference. Big business will not change its practices while it is still making tons of money. People start thinking differently and more importantly making a difference in how they buy...then the big business and the government will make a difference if only to cover the bottom line. But talk does no good with out action. And no, you don't have to homestead like me. But changing the way you buy food, buy commodities, stop playing the consumer game we have all gotten trapped in and we can make a change.

One judge in Wisconsin said:
"no, plaintiffs do not have the fundamental right to own and use a dairy cow or herd"
"no, plaintiffs do not have the right to consume the milk from their own cow"
"no, plaintiffs do not have the right to produce and consume the food of their choice"

Do you really want this to be the precedent? Do you really want to be told what you can and not eat, can and cannot own, can and cannot grow?

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