Tuesday, May 7, 2013

okay...so much for keeping up to day...SPRING!

I can not believe how long it has been since I have posted! I will do a brief overview of the Spring.

First, my landlord sold the land I live on to someone else who is making the big horse barn into their workshop while the visit family.  So, they are here only occasionally, supposedly. So far it has not been so good for me or the homestead. First I had to take down all the pens I had just built trying to make more secure areas that dry out better for the ducks, in particular and to separate the turkeys (bunch of boys together in the Spring is not a good thing!).  For a little bit the ducks were free ranging but that didn't work so well because I lost quite a few to the road (4 in one day!) and I lost most of my teenage ducks last year to an owl pair. So, most of the winter the ducks have been confined to the shed (that I had made into a coop for the chickens - who have now been kicked out) and back into the pen that stays wet and mucky any time it rains...it is only really good for long hot summer days.  The landlord has also forbidden me to put rabbit manure directly on my garden (even in the late winter) because according to him it isn't sanitary...actually even yelled at me and said he didn't know what kind of farm I grew up on but it wasn't happening here). This past weekend he bulldozed down all the berms that have been there since before we moved in but were convenient to help keep the dogs and featherheads within our boundaries...and it all looks terrible....not to mention all the tractor messing around every single day and some right outside by bedroom window! He is about ready to give me a nervous breakdown.

So, not to make a long story even longer...basically it means I am biding my time and trying to find a new homestead for me and my critters and I hope and pray that is will not be a "croft" this time and I will own it.... we will see how that all goes.  So there may be some writing about that into the near future.

In the meantime...we move along with things because the farm doesn't stop due to nuisances!

I am having a lot more success with my rabbits and have a whole separate web page I just started for them.  At the moment I have 3 does with kits and 2 does I am crossing fingers and toes that they kindle soon! They both are acting squirly and I caught one carrying straw around...no fur pulling yet though and today is due date.  My 3 harlequin does are the ones with current babies.  Holly has a litter of three with Telsy, the Rex buck.  Hazel has one baby out of 3 that were born and (s)he is staying on the homestead....affectionately named "Chubby Butt", but officially named Muin, with the papa being Darroch, my Harlequin buck. The harlequin jr. doe, Ivy, with a litter of 4 from a mixed Am. Chin/Silver Fox buck that is not staying. This success has been very welcome and a long time coming!

The two does that are hopefully bred are my full bred Silver Fox, Rowan to Ronan, the SF buck and my new black New Zealand doe who was bred to a red NZ buck before I brought her home.  So...we will see!

Meanwhile I have ducks galore setting on nests and a turkey that I think will be setting soon! I do plan to incubate some duck and turkey eggs but am trying to get some of the coop situation fixed first. I am working on it...it is just taking awhile!

And finally, the garden.... onions are coming up, a few peas for me are coming up and a bunch of field peas for the critters. I have broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes and lettuce going from transplants and spinach and carrots starting to pop up from seeds. I have a few tomatoe plants going inside and some seeds going and hope next week to get some of that outside along with herbs. I have plastic heating ground right now...I hope and pray for a big crop of tomatoes and peppers, along with the various squashes and the lettuce, spinach and greens for human eating and feather head/bunny eating. Along with that is a new sprouting adventure that I will post on soon.

Okay, this is long enough. I will post a pic of Chubby Butt as a reward to anyone who has read this whole thing! Then I will get some more timely posts up as things go...

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